Sunday 29 August 2010

Juicing It Up Again 29/08/2010

With the wind already pretty strong and a possible Force 7 on the way there was to be no sea kayaking today, so although a bit messy Chris and myself thought we would give it a go in his Surf Ski and my Dagger Juice.
Although not brilliant surfing waves there was enough power in them to easily loop the kayak forwards and to have some pretty decent rides even though it was a bit of a battle against the wind.
We had a very enjoyable few hours battling against the wind and waves and a big thank you must go to Kurt and my better half Tracy for braving the wind whilst taking the photos.
After a hearty meal, me and the family take a walk down to Porthsele and along the Coast Path to watch the sun setting behind North Bishop, a perfect way to end a good day's paddling and hopefully the weather might improve enough over night for a little trip up to Fishguard.

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